you know what I really hate? when you feel the rumblings of a good BM, and it turns out just to be a fart. biggest disappointment EVER. I feel like this situation definitely makes my top 10 list of things that piss me off.
I ordered my previously mentioned Bentley last night. it retails on Amazon for $51.55, but since I had a $25 gift card, it only cost me $26.55 (I qualified for free shipping). I cannot wait to get it. I will be stalking the mailbox religiously and awaiting it's arrival. my first project will be adding some length to our curtains - we originally bought them at a shorter length, due to our baseboard heating... we didn't want it covering the baseboards. but now that spring time is here and I'm really starting to HATE how short they are, it's time to spruce them up a little bit. thanks to some helpful tips from my girl, Melodie (inspired by her curatin revamp post here), I should be able to pull it off without any problems (fingers crossed). for a little reminder, here's the beaut that will be ALL MINE in a few short days:

tomorrow night, I will be graced in the company of my friend Renee and we will be enjoying the comedic stylings of a Ms. Chelsea Handler in DC. I'm super excited - 1, because I get to spend some one on one girl time with Renee, which doesn't happen very often, and 2, it's Chelsea fucking Handler, and that bitch is hilarious.

Remember that Spring Cleaning list I made a couple weeks ago? I haven't even started one thing on that list. it's so hard for me to get motivated, and it sucks. there are so many on-going projects I have in my head regarding our house, and I can't seem to find the time to organize them (in my head) and get started. it's completely overwhelming and it leads to me just shutting down and leaving the house as-is. SO frustrating. I've been doing really well at keeping the house decent looking and continuing to do little things every night to keep up with daily mess, but the actual hardcore cleaning just keeps getting pushed back farther on the calendar.
We should be getting our federal tax refund aaaaany day now, and I'm itching to go shopping. I have a few things on my Amazon wish list, including this L shaped workstation. it got a couple good reviews, and I love the way it looks - it would fit perfectly in our "office" and I love the modern look of it - the sleek lines and metal mesh panels are so attractive! I know I could probably find something cheaper at Ikea, but this one really just calls to me, and for only $200, I don't think it would be a bad investment.

I recently switched to Nuva Ring. I'd been on the Depo Provera birth control shot for almost 6 years, and since we plan on having kids in the next couple years, I decided it was time to switch to something a little less... harsh, I guess. I love the Ring so far, except for one tiny side effect. my fucking boobs hurt ALL THE TIME. doesn't matter if I am or am not wearing a bra, doesn't matter if I slept on my stomach, doesn't matter if it's close to the time to change the Ring... doesn't matter. they are constantly sore. a friend of mine told me she had this problem as well, and it never went away. I'm a little discouraged knowing that I could possibly have sore tits until I decide to get off birth control... but I really don't want to switch to something else. boo.
I play Scramble on Facebook. am I a nerd? yes. Mr. MandeeFoFandee is extemely competitive - he saw that I was playing this game a while back and decided he wanted to give a try as well... if only to beat the shit out of my high score. since then, we've gone back and forth beating each others' scores and having bragging rights in the FoFandee household. his last high score was 220 (which only beat my previous score by 6 points, I might add). well the other day, I wiped the floor with his ass, scoring 252. two hundred fifty-two points... beating his top score by... oh... let's say 32 points!
I promise, I'm not as competitive as it seems. ;)
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, and I hope the weather is nice wherever you are! it's only supposed to be in the 50s this week here in DC, so I gotta make sure to bundle up! if you're in the DC area and happen to see our gorgeous cherry blossoms, be sure to take some pictures and share them!
I recently switched to Nuva Ring. I'd been on the Depo Provera birth control shot for almost 6 years, and since we plan on having kids in the next couple years, I decided it was time to switch to something a little less... harsh, I guess. I love the Ring so far, except for one tiny side effect. my fucking boobs hurt ALL THE TIME. doesn't matter if I am or am not wearing a bra, doesn't matter if I slept on my stomach, doesn't matter if it's close to the time to change the Ring... doesn't matter. they are constantly sore. a friend of mine told me she had this problem as well, and it never went away. I'm a little discouraged knowing that I could possibly have sore tits until I decide to get off birth control... but I really don't want to switch to something else. boo.
I play Scramble on Facebook. am I a nerd? yes. Mr. MandeeFoFandee is extemely competitive - he saw that I was playing this game a while back and decided he wanted to give a try as well... if only to beat the shit out of my high score. since then, we've gone back and forth beating each others' scores and having bragging rights in the FoFandee household. his last high score was 220 (which only beat my previous score by 6 points, I might add). well the other day, I wiped the floor with his ass, scoring 252. two hundred fifty-two points... beating his top score by... oh... let's say 32 points!
I promise, I'm not as competitive as it seems. ;)
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, and I hope the weather is nice wherever you are! it's only supposed to be in the 50s this week here in DC, so I gotta make sure to bundle up! if you're in the DC area and happen to see our gorgeous cherry blossoms, be sure to take some pictures and share them!
Uh, worst feeling ever is to think you're gonna fart and half-way shit yourself! Ha!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the curatin re-vamp!
Im excited to read the post on how the Chelsea show went! I am a big fan also! Have fun and have a good weekend dear!
ReplyDeletei'm dying of laughter that your spring cleaning has been postponed! ..because mine has been, too. until tomorrow because you're coming over and forcing an end to my lazyness.