it's official. I have a new favorite comedian. If Chelsea Handler ever comes to do stand-up comedy near your town and you don't take the opportunity to see her (and consequently laugh your fucking ass off), you're a fucking idiot.
seriously. I've seen a handful of comedians perform live (including Louis CK, Bob Saget, and Todd Barry), and I've honestly never had such horrible slash amazing stomach pains from laughing so hard. I love Chelsea for many reasons. she's not afraid to make sexual jokes, especially those that make her seem a little slutty, which I think is WONDERFUL. she also cusses... a LOT... I'm pretty sure she said "hey, why don't you go fuck yourself" at least 7 times during her show on Saturday night. she's not afraid to joke about controversial issues, such as race and abortion.
I wish I could have taped her show, if only to be able to repeat some of her stand-up to prove to everyone that she really IS hilarious. I didn't even take any pictures - they said no cameras allowed (even though I had mine), and people still took tons of pictures. I was too busy wiping laugh tears from my eyes to even worry about a camera. I've got her most recent book on my Amazon wish list as we speak - they were selling copies at the show, but I didn't realize it until AFTER the show, when we were being shoved through the halls and doors like cattle.

the rest of the night panned out excellent as well - after the show, Renee & I met back up with the men folk at Buffalo Billiards in Dupont Circle to watch the UFC fight. what a CROCK that fight was. it didn't matter though - I was still in my Chelsea high and happy to be spending time with good friends, while enjoying some cold beer. the only thing that could have made the night better would be if the guys had stolen us some chairs to place our asses in. our poor feet were on FIRE!
I made a trip to Target on Saturday afternoon to pick up a last minute gift for a birthday party, and I happened to stumble into the home section. "whoaaaa, how did I get HERE? this isn't the baby toy section! oh well... might as well browse..."
I've been telling Mr. MandeeFoFandee that I wanted to add a little more color to our living room. right now, we've got green walls, a light tan couch (ah, the joys of being childless), and throw pillows in brown, green, tan... all with hints of red and gold. it's just very "fall-ish" to me, and I wanted to brighten it up for spring and summer. I wanted some pops of yellow, some glassy textures (all our furniture is dark wood, which is really heavy in this room), and a fake flower or two so the cats wouldn't be poisoned. oh yeah, they eat plants. they're fucking assholes.
for reference, here's a picture of our living room a few months ago... we had just hung our curtains and had yet to unpack all our pillows we'd purchased from Pier One (we have two of these, which are not shown on the couch). please note that this was taken with my cell phone, and it was night time. but I still need fuckin' lamps in here anyway.

and so that was my goal while perusing through Target's home section. I didn't want to spend much money, and wanted to make sure to pick up items that would be versatile through different rooms in our home. so. I thought I'd share my findings here with you, since I know so many of you are home decor bloggers!
disclaimer: I haven't taken a picture of everything in the space yet, but I promise, it's looking much brighter in here already!
I picked up the following little beauties:
disclaimer: I haven't taken a picture of everything in the space yet, but I promise, it's looking much brighter in here already!
I picked up the following little beauties:

two of these gorgeous yellow & white damask pillars - one for each end table - $6.99 each
they sit on two candle plates, which were $2.50 each
this gorgeous little burst of sunshine was only about $15.00!
and now... my new coffee table centerpiece!
fruit fillers ($6.99)

small-ish glass vase

and now... my new coffee table centerpiece!

pretty summer centerpiece!
I got a gift card to Pier 1 from my best friend for my birthday, so we'll be making a little trip there this weekend to see if I can find anything to add to the living room or bedroom. we're also venturing out to Ikea to look for desks and bookshelves for our soon-to-be office! can't wait!
I hope everyone else had a great weekend! My legs are still recovering from what seemed like a 5 mile walk around chilly/breezy DC on Saturday... and my Mister refuses to give foot rubs. BAH HUMBUG to him, I say.
"I'd call you Fuckhead Fuckface all day long, but I refuse to call you DESIREE just because you decided to up and change your name. that is just ridiculous."
- Chelsea Handler
I got a gift card to Pier 1 from my best friend for my birthday, so we'll be making a little trip there this weekend to see if I can find anything to add to the living room or bedroom. we're also venturing out to Ikea to look for desks and bookshelves for our soon-to-be office! can't wait!
I hope everyone else had a great weekend! My legs are still recovering from what seemed like a 5 mile walk around chilly/breezy DC on Saturday... and my Mister refuses to give foot rubs. BAH HUMBUG to him, I say.
"I'd call you Fuckhead Fuckface all day long, but I refuse to call you DESIREE just because you decided to up and change your name. that is just ridiculous."
- Chelsea Handler
Despite the disclaimer, Im going to demand a picture of all the new beautiful things in the room :o)
ReplyDeleteGlad you had fun seeing Chelsea! I miss having cable and watching her show at night!
uhhhh..i love that yellow pillow. thank you so much for taking me to see chelsea. i had such a good time and i wish we could go see her stand-up everyday. and i love your face. that is all.
ReplyDeleteI love the new spring items - so fun!
ReplyDeleteI love Chelsea Handler! If you haven't read her first book (Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea), put it on your list also. I laughed out loud reading it and when Matt wanted to know why I was laughing, I was too much of a lady to repeat some of it so he had to read it himself. It was a great read!
Alaina - I've read both of her previous books! There's Vodka and then there's another book called My Horizontal Life... they're both hysterical! I can't wait to read Bang Bang!