Tuesday, August 7, 2012

baby Q bump watch - week 37 [FULL TERM!]

I have yet to take a bump photo today since I've been in bed with a headache for a few hours. I'll take one tomorrow. for now, here are two from last week:

heading out for a pool day with my BFF - 36 weeks, 2 days.

from Saturday - 36 weeks, 4 days.

how far along? 
37 weeks - full term! :D 

how big is the baby? 
he is about the size of a winter melon (The Bump) or a stalk of swiss chard (Baby Center) - meaning he's weighing in at over 6lbs and measuring a bit over 19 inches long. at 37 weeks, he is considered full term, meaning he's developed his most crucial functions; if he were to be born today, his lungs would likely be mature enough to full adjust to life outside the womb.

total weight gain: 
26lbs as of last Friday.

mostly sucky. 

best moment of the week: 
got lots of stuff done over the weekend, which I mentioned in this post

Sean & I also went out and celebrated our 3rd anniversary (okay, I just sobbed like a baby while watching that slideshow from our wedding. holy hormones.) over the weekend. we went to Mike's Crabhouse and enjoyed some Maryland Blue Crabs. I may or may not have treated myself to a sip of his Sam Adam's Summer Ale, too. ;)

we had an ultrasound at our appointment on Friday, which is always awesome. his hand was in front of his face (jerk), but we confirmed that he IS indeed head down. my OB said I'm measuring right on time, which is great to hear as well. oh, and since Sean was able to come to my appointment with me, I had him record Ronin's heartbeat on his phone so I can listen to it whenever I want. 
food cravings: 
this week, it's a toss up between fresh fruit and sweet carbs. I've been indulging in donuts, muffins, and bagels with strawberry preserves. yum!

food aversions: 
nothing really.

believe it or not, for being so close to delivering, I feel pretty good. thanks to a prescription from my OB, the headaches have mostly subsided (with the exception of the bastard headache I have today). physical therapy is working wonders for my achy pelvis and Zantac has eliminated my heartburn (for the most part). my discomfort mainly just comes from being so large, haha. I find it difficult to get comfortable at night, and walking with this big ol belly is awkward, to say the least. 

gender sex: 
BOY! :D 

most looking forward to: 
just making more preparations (I have daily to-do lists) and enjoying my last few weeks of pre-motherhood. I'm taking lots of naps and soaking up my alone time while it lasts. I have to say, I'm really going to miss being pregnant. I love feeling Ronin move inside my belly and although I am more than ready to meet his cute face, I know that the end of pregnancy will leave me feeling bittersweet.

what I miss right now: 
I was really pining for an over easy egg this morning.

next appointment: 
Thursday morning.

1 comment:

  1. wait, im not supposed to have over easy eggs? whoopsie! haha


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