I feel like today is a huge milestone - it's V-day! little baby Ronin is now considered to be a viable pregnancy. technically, he would be able to survive outside the womb (with a LOT of medical attention) if I were to go into labor today. of course, we'd prefer to wait the 16 weeks we have left before we get to meet him... so feel free to just keep on cooking in there, my little seal.
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I took this over the weekend at Kaycie & Adam's Cinco de Mayo reception - 23 weeks, 4 days. |
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taken this morning - 24 weeks exactly. no idea why it's blurry. grrrr. |
how far along?
24 weeks.
how big is the baby?
he is the size of a cantaloupe - weighing over a pound and about a foot long. his see-through skin is becoming more opaque and pink, thanks to all the new capillaries that are forming. his lungs are developing branches, as well as cells that produce a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he is out of the womb.
total weight gain:
I think I'm about 5lbs up from my last appointment (according to my scale at home), which will be a 4lb total weight gain.
the Snoogle is where it's at, folks. sleep is MUCH better. still peeing multiple times during the night, but that's nothing new. <---- yep, same as last week.
best moment of the week:
Sean is finally able to feel Ronin's forceful kicks. the look on his face when he felt that little bump against his hand is something I will treasure forever. I think it feels more real to him now, and that makes me a happy Mama.
he is also reacting to my voice in the morning, which is pretty damn awesome. he usually snoozes until I start talking to Sean, and then he just kicks away. sweet boy. <3
food cravings:
fruit popsicles, water, and Maryland blue crabs... which I will be devouring this weekend.
food aversions:
nothing I can recall.
same old pelvic pain. my feet are starting to swell a bit too, but as soon as I prop them up, the swelling goes down.
most looking forward to:
we're attending a cloth diaper class this weekend. I feel as though I have a good handle on how everything works, but I think it will be extremely helpful to have some hands-on learning available. we're also going out to eat crabs on Saturday afternoon for mother's day and I am salivating just thinking about how delicious those suckers are going to be.
what I miss right now:
honestly? nothing. I love being pregnant.
next appointment:
May 16th - next Wednesday.
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