Friday, December 9, 2011

fill in the blank Friday!

play with Lauren here!

1.   Love is     all we need .

2.   Being in love feels like   having butterflies everyday    .

3.  My favorite quote about love is    "My heart starts to pound now, to the rhythm of yours..." - a lyric from the song, Still Dreaming, by Silverstein - we have it tattooed on our forearms   . 

4. The most important thing in a relationship is    communication. if you don't have a way to get your message across to your partner, you're doomed. I feel thankful that Sean and I have each other down to a science when it comes to communication  .

5.  A "deal breaker" for me in a relationship is    someone who is untrustworthy .

6.  The way I show love in my relationships is    by doing little physical things - nothing sexual, but rubbing/scratching his back, or scratching his palms (something he REALLY loves). I love to make him feel wanted and adored. we are big huggers too .

7.  I love    life  .


  1. My boyfriend and I are big on hugging too. I love hugs!

    Stopping by from Lauren's blog. :)

  2. i love that you love love so much because i do too.


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