sheesh. talk about a site full of inspiration! being a design addict and constantly looking for home decor ideas, this site is like crack for me. seriously, I've been staying up way too late this week, mostly because I'm too busy pinning different shit to my boards!
here's a little preview of what I've done so far...
needless to say, I'm loving Pinterest! if you'd like to check out my boards or follow them, see what I've got goin' on right here! I've also got boards for awesome books I've read, entryway & bedroom room ideas, cute hippo things (totally not kidding), etc.
basically, while I'm browsing the Interwebz (which, let's face it, happens ALL day long), I can just pin things I like to a board on this site and save it for later, instead of having to bookmark every single piece of inspiration I come across. so basically, everything keeps it's source... so if I ever want to post it here on the blog, I know where I found it.
if you haven't signed up yet, head over to Pinterest now and do it! promise you'll love it... and maybe even consider it your crack.
Happy Weekend, ya'll!
Ooo you should definitely read Loving Frank! It was a great story!