wee bit Wednesdays!

one} grilled or fried?
grilled, definitely. fried foods tear my stomach up.
{two} if you could change one thing about where you live, without worrying about money, what would you change?our kitchen needs to be finished, and I'd like to have a fully furnished office in the upstairs room with the balcony.
{three} what is your favorite time of day?I feel most relaxed in the evenings.
{four} what’s your favorite cereal?Fruity Pebbles. yes, I'm seven.
{five} do you open your mouth when you put mascara on?no, but I do with eyeliner.
{six} if you could make any fictional character come to life, which would it be?every single character from the Sookie Stackhouse series, especially Quinn. ;)
{seven} what are your favorite pizza toppings?extra cheese, pineapple, and bacon. noms.
{eight} are you a heavy or a light sleeper?it depends on if I've taken a sleeping aid or not. I'm a light sleeper without it, which is why I take it.
{nine} what is your favorite board game?Mall Madness. don't act like you don't remember that game.
{ten} what star/celebrity do most people say you look like?I don't really get that a lot, but I've heard Jennifer Love Hewitt and Amy Lee from Evanescence.
I used to love Mall Madness, I had totally forgotten about that game!! Stopping by from Wee Bit!