Thursday, April 18, 2013

Friday loves

Charming Charlie - this store made it's way to our local mall. holy shit you guys, I have been missing out.

stop telling me to put my baby down - such a great post by Jess. there is nothing that drives me more insane than someone telling me "well he's going to have to cry sometimes" or "he'll be fine, just let him cry for a bit." um, no thank you, sir or madam. 

Mama Memoirs - Mandy is hosting a bi-weekly link up for mamas to share their tales of motherhood. such a fun idea, right? I think the blogging community can be so great for new (or not so new) moms. we all need a little pat on the back and a stiff drink hug every now and then and fellow mamas are perfect for that. 

my favorite recent blog post - it made me cry. actually, if I'm being honest, it made me cry all 7 seven times I read it. becoming a mom has made me a giant sap. 

this baby pool - we're definitely pulling the trigger on this thing soon. can't wait to set it up on the patio and play with Ronin in the water.

Sister by Rosamund Lupton - I read this book for my book club a few weeks ago and it was a fantastic read. brilliant writing, twisted plot, and a stellar twist at the end. highly recommended.

"We are Boston. We are strong." - an entire arena full of Bruins fans take over singing the National Anthem.

and because I can't have a post without the dude: I gave Ronin his first lemon on Wednesday. 

he loved it, clearly. 


1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am a new follower, what got me to stop and read was your line that you cuss like an asshole. HA! I love it because I do too! Cant wait to get to meet follow along and get to know you better!


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